YC Huang

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Janet Yi-Ching Huang

I am Assistant Professor, Future Everyday group, Industrial Design, TU/e. I earned her PhD in Computer Science at National Taiwan University in 2018, where my research focused on designing intelligent systems that support people to accomplish creative tasks. Now, my aim is to explore human-AI co-learning for facilitating new ways of creativity and productivity. More specifically, I strive to design and develop novel toolkits that empower designers to become proficient with AI as design materials. These toolkits enable designers to harness the power of data, computation, and AI techniques to tackle diverse and intricate problems across various contexts.

My research vision is to explore the possibilities of how human and AI work can collaborate together and become a better team. I focus on "Human-AI Co-Learning" in which people and AI interact and learn with/from partners, and grow over time. To achieve this vision, I envision that human-AI should meet three important critiera: 1) develop mutual understanding, 2) facilite mutual benefits, and 3) achieve mutual growth.

If you're interested in my research, please email me.